Our Vision
At Legacy Dance Academy, we want our dancers to be known for not only their exceptional dancing but also for their kindness and positivity in all areas of their life. We understand that although dance may be a big part of their lives right now, it is only a small part of the much larger picture of their life as a whole. Our goal is to produce excellent dancers that are also exemplary human beings. We feel blessed to be able to provide an opportunity for these young people to find joy by expressing themselves through movement and we hope to push them to be the best dancers they can be.
What We Offer
We offer something for everyone. View our in-depth class descriptions for more detailed information.
Meet the Director

Carmen Heap is the owner and director of Legacy Dance Academy. She began dancing at the age of five and continued dancing at a university level until she graduated from Brigham Young University with her Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education. She loves teaching children and seeing them progress and find joy in dancing! She is married to Ryan Heap and they have 5 wonderful children. She loves reading, singing, hiking, biking, and enjoying the outdoors in the summer.
Carmen has been teaching dance for 15 years beginning with opening her own studio when she was 17. In Middletown, Connecticut she created the ballet program for the city's recreation department and taught ballet at Wesleyan University's Green Street Center for the Arts. She had the opportunity to serve as the New London, CT Stake Dance Specialist for the Hartford Connecticut Temple Cultural Celebration. While in Utah, she taught dance and tumbling at Bravo Arts Academy and was also the ballet teacher for the after-school enrichment program at the elementary school where she taught second grade. From 2019-2021 she coached the Madison Junior High Dance Team and was also the ballet instructor at Dance Addiction in Rexburg.
Carmen is currently a member of the Idaho Dance Education Organization (IDEO) and the National Dance Education Organization (NDEO) and is proud to be the sponsor of our local chapter of the National Honor Society of Dance Arts (NHSDA) which recognizes dancers with outstanding performance in both academics and dance arts. She is excited to be able to share her passion for dance and the performing arts and inspire a new generation of dancers.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I pay for classes?
Tuition payments and other fees can be paid using your parent portal on Jackrabbit. Tuition must be set on autopay or paid upfront for the entire year (10% discount for this option if paid by cash, check, or Venmo). Autopay can be set up using a credit/debit card or an eCheck (ACH bank transfer).
What should my child wear for class?
What are your term dates?
Regular season classes start the last part of August and run through mid-May for a total of 9 months. Dates vary from year to year depending on school calendars. Payments are processed Sept. -May. Summer sessions run 8 weeks through June and July.
Should I stay at the studio during class?
You are not required to stay at the studio during your child's class. However, young children that need assistance going to the bathroom or have trouble staying in class for the full time may need a parent to stay and assist them as needed. Occasionally, parents may be asked to stay for other reasons, but this is rare and is on an individual basis.
Can we still join your classes after the term has started?
Non-performing classes may add students at any time. For non-competing classes, we will accept new students through January as long as we are able to get costumes in time for recital. Competition classes may add students through November with teacher approval.
Can parents watch?
Parents are welcome to stay and watch class! We have a parent viewing loft where you can see into Studio A as well as the tumbling area. Studio B has viewing windows and seating for parents on the east side of the studio.
How do I drop a class?
To drop a class you must email legacydanceacademyidaho@gmail.com with at least 30 days notification. Class drop date for competition teams is Nov. 15. After this date your account will continue to be charged the remainder of the season.
What fees are there besides tuition?
There is a yearly $35/student registration fee due at the time of registration. Performing classes will purchase a costume, please see our policies and procedures page for price details. For competition teams, there is a small dancer performance fee for the showcases we attend, as well as competition fees for each competition. There is a $50/family per recital fee that covers the rent and costs associated with recital., and includes a DVD. We do not charge admission for recital.
How do I join Legacy Dance Company (competition teams)?
We hold team tryouts in late April/early May each year. If you are new to the area or missed our auditions, please contact the director to schedule a private audition. No dancers will be allowed to join the company after November 30th.
Get in Touch
180 Sugar Ave, Suite 2
Sugar City, ID 83448